Selamat malam guys, mau tanya apakah ada yang masih cari temen main disini? Thank you
Hi! Yes me, but I’m still a beginner (albeit have been on this since Aug last year) and can’t hold a consistent rally— would need a hitting partner (or preferably a paid one who can feed consistent, easy balls at least in the initial stages). Does this group know of paid hitters in the area?
· Répondre · 23 Nov '22 at 17:40
Sure i can connect u with one, I’ll DM you for the details ya
· Répondre · 25 Nov '22 at 10:32
Hi mas david, sparing sama saya yuk domisili saya di bintaro
· Répondre · 28 Nov '22 at 18:12
Yes, I am in, still beginner
· Répondre · 02 Dec '22 at 16:04
maaf bisa join sparring, masi beginner
· Répondre · 07 Dec '22 at 11:43
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