1. Players can only be accepted to participate in this event if he or she pays entry fee BEFORE the deadline of registration. Players that registered but did not pay the fee were not accepted.
2. Format Draw for the event can either be knockout format or round-robin format depending on the number of entries in each category.
3. IF KNOCKOUT FORMAT will be best of 3 sets (first to 6 games), regular tiebreaker at 6 games all. The third set is SUPER TIEBREAK (first to 10 points with a margin of 2).
4. IF ROUND ROBIN FORMAT will be 1 normal set (first to 6 games), regular tiebreaker at 6 games all. (first to 7 points with a margin of 2).
5. ALL MATCHES ARE NO ADVANTAGE SCORING meaning at deuce, it will sudden death, RECEIVER’S CHOICE.
6. There will be NO UMPIRE during the tournament, HONESTY SYSTEM APPLIES. If there is a dispute between players on a call, a referee can be requested to OBSERVE only the match. The referee can overrule a call if questioned.
7. There will be score sheets on the court and players must fill out a score and the WINNER will return the sheet to the tournament desk with the balls used.
8. Tournament balls will be TECNIFIBRE tennis balls. Every match will get 3 balls and must be returned after the match.
9. DEFAULT - a player can be DEFAULTED if he or she is not on the court, 15 minutes AFTER his or her match is CALLED. No exception to the rule.
10. Players will play more than 1 match per day as this tournament is only during the weekend so please be prepared.
11. ONLY 5 MINUTE WARM UP. We will need to be on schedule so please start your match right away.
12. Court assignment will be random as we will be using a FLIGHT FORMAT on putting matches on., depending on the flow of the matches.