Liga.Tennis Open 2024 Tournament is over
Indonesia, Bali
Bali Tennis
Start date: 19.10.24
End date: 26.10.24
Entries close: 13.10.24
Rules and Regulations:
  1. Entries of ALL participants will only be ACCEPTED if they pay the fee before the deadline of entry which will be on October 13th, 2024 (Sunday by 5pm). No more entries will be accepted after the registration/payment deadline.
  2. Participants will be registered for the draw only after the entry fee is paid. So entry fees should be paid soon after joining the tournament. First come First served.
  3. Players can enter up to 3 (three) categories for this tournament. And please keep in mind you can ONLY enter your correct category and can GO UP, NOT DOWN. This means if you are an advanced player, you can join advanced and open, but not advanced and intermediate (this is for singles and doubles).
  4. If you are an ADVANCED singles player, you can only play Advanced or Open Doubles, not Intermediate.  Even if your partner is Intermediate.  CAN GO UP, NOT DOWN.
  5. Players MUST register or enter the correct category(s). If a player enters a wrong category, he or she will be AUTOMATICALLY DISQUALIFIED with no refund.
  6. PLAYERS ARE ONLY ALLOWED to play in the respective categories and GENDER.
  7. There will be an Opening day Welcome Party on October 18th, at 5pm at Liga.Tennis Sanur (TBA). Players will be able to see the tournament draws and schedule of matches plus will be able to receive their goodie bag. FREE DRINKS (alcoholic and non alcoholic) for certain time period.
  8. Format of draws can either be single knock out or round robin format, depending on the number of entries on respective categories.
  9. All matches will be played at Liga.Tennis Sanur, Liga.Tennis Umalas and Liga.Tennis Nusa Dua IF NEEDED
  10. Tennis balls will be provided.
  11. Matches will be the best of three sets. The third set if needed is a super tie-break (until 10). SUDDEN DEATH deuce.
  12. Matches may be reduced to PRO SET 8 if needed. (ex. In round robin format).
  13. Matches are self-umpired and should be conducted in the spirit of fair play. You call the balls on your side of the court. If you are uncertain, your opponent gets the benefit of the doubt, and the ball is in/out.
  14. A player or players can request a referee to OBSERVE the match if there is a dispute on calls. The referee will not keep score or even call the ball but can OVERRULE if asked on a disputed call.
  15. Default. A player or team can be defaulted if they are not present 15 minutes after the match is called.
  16. Tournament Organiser’s decisions are FINAL.
  17. Final Day's all championship matches will have umpires to officiate the matches.
  18. Tournament Director: Pursika. Asst Tournament Director: Sumardi
  1. Nationally ranked players (current or ex) in the juniors (14s, 16s,18s) or seniors level.
  2. Players participated in any regional or national competition (PON, porprov, etc).
  3. Internationally ranked players (current or ex) in the juniors or senior level (ITF, ATP, WTA, etc).
  4. Currently playing or participating in national or international competitions or events in the junior level (14s - rank 1 to 20, 16s - 1 to 100, 18s - 1 to 150) or senior level (nationals, ITF, ATP, WTA, leagues, etc)
  5. Coaches, Trainers, Hitting Partners can not join in the intermediate category.
  6. Junior players from ages 10 to 12yrs old are allowed to participate in the intermediate category.
  1. Currently NATIONALLY ranked in the juniors (16s -1 to 20,18s - 1 to 50) or seniors level.
  2. Players participated in national competition ( PON etc.) or won medals in any regional competition (Porprov, etc) in the last 10 years.
  3. Internationally ranked players (current or ex) in the juniors or senior level (ITF, ATP, WTA, etc).
  4. Currently playing or participating in national or international competitions or events that have ranking (16s - 1 to 20, 18s - 1 to 50) in the junior level or senior level (regional, national, ITF, ATP, WTA, leagues, etc)
  5. Ex national and international players in the senior level (Indonesian ranking, ITF, ATP, WTA) meaning have high performance level experience.
  6. Coaches, Trainers, Hitting Partners that used to be national or international ranked players and have participated in regional, national, ITF, ATP, WTA, leagues, etc events.
  • Junior players ages 14 to 16yrs old are allowed to participate in the advanced category with the lower ranking criteria.
  • Coaches, Trainers, Hitting Partners that are not nationally or internationally ranked (current or ex) are allowed to participate in the advanced category.
  • For ex NATIONAL players or players that have participated in the regional, national or international level, if you are 60 years old and up, you are allowed to play in the advanced category (59 and below must play Open).

Players that have won in a category in prior Liga.Tennis events 2 TIMES must move up to the next category (ex. Winner of an intermediate tournament must move up to the advanced in the next event, or the winner of advanced must move up to the open category). 
Important note: if a player wants to file a FORMAL complaint about another player regarding criterias or levels, the player with the complaint must pay a fee of Rp.300.000 and present the DOCUMENT proving there is an irregularity on a player participating in the wrong category.  If the complaint is correct, the complaint fee will be returned.  If a complaint is invalid, the complaint fee will NOT BE returned. And must be done before the second round of the match meaning on the third round onward any complaint will be decline.
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