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It was a true honor for Liga.Tennis to become an organizer of the official Indonesian-Ukrainian diplomatic event which took place at Liga.Tennis Sports Club in Sanur last Friday. 🇮🇩 🇺🇦 🎾
As a part of the event, there was an exhibition doubles tennis match between team Indonesia and team Ukraine, where the hosting team succeeded 6:3. 🇮🇩 🏆
Among participants we had Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Indonesia (Duta Besar Ukraina untuk Indonesia), Head of Interpol of the Republic of Indonesia (Inspektur Jenderal Polisi / Kepala Divisi Hubungan Internasional Polri), Deputy Chief of Police of Bali (Brigadir Jenderal Polisi / Wakil Kepala Kepolisian Daerah Bali), founders of Liga.Tennis, top local government authorities and other honorable guests.
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