Welcome to the Community!
Are you coach, venue, club or a tennis related organization? Or are you just playing tennis with your friends on weekends? Create new Tennis Community in your area, invite just a few or hundreds of your friends, and you are ready to enjoy all features of Liga.Tennis platform (and even make some money). It’s free of charge, and there are zero obligations.

Create community now!   

Russia, Вологда
Russia, Санкт-Петербург
Russia, Москва
Russia, Севастополь
Russia, г.Сочи, Адлерский район, ул. Просвещения, 17
Russia, Сочи
Russia, Moscow
Russia, Новосибирская область
Russia, Ростовская область
Russia, 31 Белгород
Russia, Москва
Russia, Вологодская область
Russia, Смоленск
Russia, Брянская область
Russia, Санкт-Петербург
Russia, Sakhalin island
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