Liga.Tennis Makassar Join
Indonesia, Makassar
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# Player /
1. Ahmad Setiawan Charmain 0/0 0 0
# Player /
1. Rafael Federer 0/0 0 0
2. hery anto 0/0 0 0
3. Valdhy NoLe 0/0 0 0
4. Alvin Raphael 0/0 0 0
5. Anwar Raonic 0/0 0 0
6. Heri Suyitno 0/0 0 0
7. Suryanto DgNgalle 0/0 0 0
8. Rais Raish 0/0 0 0
9. Muhammadl Alfian s 0/0 0 0
10. Budi budi 0/0 0 0
11. Oscarlino Halim 0/0 0 0
# Player /
1. Refka Afrizal 0/0 0 0
2. Dimas Dwi Septian Dimas 0/0 0 0
3. Alfonsus Wardhana 0/0 0 0
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