Klub Tenis Sportiva Bandara Soetta Join
Indonesia, Banten
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# Player /
1. Delwyn Delwyn 0/0 0 0
2. Deo Bilkhan 0/0 0 0
3. Octo Ahmad Qomarullah 0/0 0 0
4. Dio Rifqi 0/0 0 0
5. Octo Ahmad Qomarullah 0/0 0 0
6. christian junaedi 0/0 0 0
# Player /
1. Asrul Sidik 0/0 0 0
2. Made Rosandhi 0/0 0 0
3. Andy K 0/0 0 0
4. Bram Tunggal 0/0 0 0
5. Stefanus Thio 0/0 0 0
6. Elmer Syaherman 0/0 0 0
7. Aaron Bailey 0/0 0 0
8. Allan Tjahja 0/0 0 0
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